Position Papers

Open joint letter to the European Commission concerning the Union Database
Position Paper

Open joint letter to the European Commission concerning the Union Database

In this open joint letter to the European Commission, Eurogas presents the association's concerns on the Union Database (UDB) for tracing gaseous and liquid transport fuels, under the recast Renewable Energy Directive.
Eurogas position on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles
Position Paper

Eurogas position on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles

Eurogas welcomes the European Commission’s ambition on CO2 emissions reductions from new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), in line with the ...
GHGP Land Sector and Removals Guidance – Impact on Biogas Sector
Position Paper

GHGP Land Sector and Removals Guidance – Impact on Biogas Sector

Annex B: Biomethane within the newly drafted ‘Land Sector and Removals Guidance’ is already having an enormous impact on the global biogas sector — inhibiting the immediate decarbonisation of th...
Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter
Position Paper

Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter

The Russian invasion of Ukraine dramatically changed the economic and social situation in Europe, with costs-of-living rising sharply in the Union also due to increasing energy prices. Unprecedented measures have been taken at EU and at national level to support consumers, with energy-specific measures and measures based on the existing consumer protection and social policy framework at Union and national levels.
Joint Statement on the REDII Delegated Act Art. 28 (5): the Importance of Industrial CCU for Reaching Climate Neutrality
Position Paper

Joint Statement on the REDII Delegated Act Art. 28 (5): the Importance of Industrial CCU for Reaching Climate Neutrality

The signatories represent a wide range of industrial sectors for which Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is a core technology to help reach their sustainability and climate neutrality targets. The undersigned fully support the Commission's ambitious climate targets. But reaching those targets including RFNBOs sub-quotas from the REPowerEU Plan, European Hydrogen Strategy, revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, ReFuelEU Aviation or discussed in FuelEU Maritime will require legal certainty for investments and support for the scale-up of renewable hydrogen, its derivatives such as synthetic fuels, and underlying technologies such as CCU.
Joint Open Letter on the revision of the GHG Protocol’s Reporting Principles
Position Paper

Joint Open Letter on the revision of the GHG Protocol’s Reporting Principles

The co-signatory organisations wish to raise serious concerns to the European Commission about the new draft “Land Sector and Removals Guidance” under development within the GHG Protocol (GHGP) Standard. The new draft Guidance prevents corporate users from using market-based instruments to report reduced GHG emissions from biomethane consumption and as a result can hurt the European Union’s efforts to develop 35 bcm of domestic biomethane production by 2030.
Joint paper | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: a bottom-up approach for integrated system efficiency
Position Paper

Joint paper | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: a bottom-up approach for integrated system efficiency

As work continues in Brussels on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Eurogas has joined 14 other associations in the energy sector, buildings sector, and SME groups, to issue our latest joint paper.
How to achieve an impactful regulation on methane emissions: joint statement by European gas Distribution System Operators
Position Paper

How to achieve an impactful regulation on methane emissions: joint statement by European gas Distribution System Operators

The undersigned organisations jointly represent European Gas Distribution System Operators (DSOs). We are fully committed to reducing methane emissions and we support an ambitious and binding Regulation. Compared to the prescriptive proposal from the European Commission, we would have favoured a Regulation that mandates outcomes, but leaves flexibility to operators on how to achieve them. Yet, we understand the rationale for the approach taken by the Commission. This must, however, take into account the diverse characteristics of the different parts of the gas value chain: production, transmission, storage, and distribution.
Joint Associations’ Letter: Call for an urgent expansion of the collateral requirements in energy markets
Position Paper

Joint Associations’ Letter: Call for an urgent expansion of the collateral requirements in energy markets

The objective of this letter is to present the views of EACH, EFET, Eurelectric and Eurogas1 on the proposals by the European Commission – the Delegated Regulation of 21/10/2022 amending the regulatory technical standards laid down in Delegated Regulation (EU) No 153/2013 as regards temporary emergency measures on collateral requirements2 – and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) – the Draft Technical Standards amending Commission Delegated Regulation (RTS) 153/2013 3 – (henceforth ‘the Authorities’) related to the emergency measures on collateral requirements and in particular their suggestions on bank guarantees and public guarantees.
Joint Statement on Unbundling provisions of the Gas Package revision and a Just Transition
Position Paper

Joint Statement on Unbundling provisions of the Gas Package revision and a Just Transition

We, the European Social Partners in the gas sector, Eurogas, representing the employers, and EPSU and industriAll Europe representing the trade unions, acknowledge the importance of the third energy package and the need to create the essential conditions for the emergence of a competitive sector for renewable and low carbon gases.
Joint letter on Energy Efficiency Directive
Position Paper

Joint letter on Energy Efficiency Directive

In light of the current COREPER discussions on the EED draft general approach and in view of the upcoming Energy Council, key stakeholders have gathered to recall the importance of adopting a multitechnology and multi-energy vector approach to decarbonisation across all sectors to be reflected into the entire Fit for 55 package, including the EED.
E.U. – U.S. LNG Industry Joint Statement of Support and Recommendations for the Achievement of the RePowerEU and U.S. – E.U. Energy Security Taskforce U.S. LNG Targets
Position Paper

E.U. – U.S. LNG Industry Joint Statement of Support and Recommendations for the Achievement of the RePowerEU and U.S. – E.U. Energy Security Taskforce U.S. LNG Targets

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 the European Commission issued a Communication for More Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy calling for an additional 50bcm of LNG in 2022 and the complete phase out of Russian natural gas supplies to the EU by 2027.
Eurogas and GIE views on the Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Position Paper

Eurogas and GIE views on the Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

Eurogas and GIE are firmly committed to ensure an efficient, effective, and just transition. We believe that a mix of gaseous energy and other heating solutions will be needed to ensure the successful and cost-effective decarbonisation of the building sector.
Eurogas position paper – RED II DA RFNBO electricity requirements including additionality
Position Paper

Eurogas position paper – RED II DA RFNBO electricity requirements including additionality

Eurogas recognises the need to ensure that renewable electricity capacities increase to respond to the growing European electricity demand. It is crucial to ensure that the renewable character of electricity and RFNBO is properly demonstrated.
A European Strategy for CCUS – Eurogas position Paper on CCUS
Position Paper

A European Strategy for CCUS – Eurogas position Paper on CCUS

Eurogas welcomes the recent Communication from the European Commission (EC) on Sustainable carbon cycles and intention to develop a legislative framework for the certification of carbon removals by the end of 2022. This recent push for CCUS-dedicated ambitions and policies is a strong indicator of the renewed EU commitment toward CCUS.
Proposal for a Regulation on the Methane emissions reduction in the energy sector
Position Paper

Proposal for a Regulation on the Methane emissions reduction in the energy sector

Our operators are committed to pursuing and intensifying their contribution to reducing emissions. We understand the need for such a Regulation and support the deployment of an appropriate and cost-effective action plan. We welcome the proposal of the European Commission.
Eurogas Position Paper on Joint Procurement of Natural Gas
Position Paper

Eurogas Position Paper on Joint Procurement of Natural Gas

Both the Communication on More Affordable, Sustainable and Secure Energy and the Draft Regulation on Security of Supply make reference to joint purchasing of gaseous fuels: natural gas, LNG and hydrogen. The current combination of high prices in the gas wholesale market and the war in Ukraine have driven political attention on to the issue of gas purchasing.
Eurogas position on ‘minimum gas storage obligations’
Position Paper

Eurogas position on ‘minimum gas storage obligations’

Eurogas recognises that the current market dynamics emerging from the geopolitical situation requires particular attention. The negative summer/winter spread limits incentives for market participants to put gas into storage and may not provide sufficient incentives for suppliers to factor in possibly security of supply risks.
Gas system operators in joint effort to continue curbing emissions and to support the Global Methane Pledge
Position Paper

Gas system operators in joint effort to continue curbing emissions and to support the Global Methane Pledge

Brussels 15.12.21: Eurogas broadly welcomes the Decarbonised Gas Market Package, a landmark in decarbonisation efforts. At the same time the association notes the framework needs fine tuning to trul...
Hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package
Position Paper

Hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package

Eurogas calls for a progressive gas decarbonisation package, which enables gaseous energy and its infrastructure to be the building block for a cost-effective and successful energy transition. E...
Eurogas Position Paper on Carbon Pricing
Position Paper

Eurogas Position Paper on Carbon Pricing

Eurogas is committed to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement and supports the Commission’s long-term vision of a carbon neutral economy by 2050. To foster decarbonisation, specific enab...
Proposal for binding 2030 EU-level targets to lower the greenhouse gas intensity of gas consumed in Europe and increase the demand for renewable gas
Position Paper

Proposal for binding 2030 EU-level targets to lower the greenhouse gas intensity of gas consumed in Europe and increase the demand for renewable gas

The signatories of this statement are committed to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement and support the EU’s ambition to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. We advocate...
Joint Policy Position Paper: Eurogas and European Biogas Association
Position Paper

Joint Policy Position Paper: Eurogas and European Biogas Association

Proposal for binding 2030 EU-level targets to lower the greenhouse gas intensity of gas consumed in Europe and increase the demand for renewable gas Eurogas and the European Biogas Associatio...
A Common Guarantee of Origin System for All Gases
Position Paper

A Common Guarantee of Origin System for All Gases

EUROGAS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A COMMON GUARANTEE OF ORIGIN SYSTEM FOR ALL GASESEurogas positionEurogas believes that a liquid and efficient EU-wide market with full cross-border trading for all gases,...
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