NZIA should recognise CCU as a Strategic Net-Zero Technology
Carbon Capture and Utilisation (along with Storage) is of strategic importance to reach European net-zero objectives. The technologies will enable the supply of renewable fuels and other alternative sources of energy, as well as commercial products such as plastics, concrete, and reactants for chemical synthesis. CCU represents an array of solutions critical for the achievement of the EU climate and energy ambitions, in addition to being a crucial element of the CO2 value chain and supporting the realisation of hydrogen targets.
Furthermore, we believe that CCU technologies meet the criteria set out by the Commission for defining strategic net-zero technologies, namely:
- Sufficiently high Technology Readiness Level (TRL); i.e., the assumed commercial availability/scaleup potential
- Contribution towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Contribution towards the overall resilience of the EU economy
Therefore, Eurogas and partners have co-signed a letter calling on Members of the European Parliament and EU Member States to include CCU (and CCS) on the list of Strategic Net-Zero Technologies in the Net-Zero Industry Act.
Similarly, Eurogas calls for the NZIA to recognise Sustainable Alternative Fuels technologies as "Strategic Net-Zero Technologies" in a Joint Letter.