Position Paper

Zero-emission buildings: why renewable energy delivered through the grids is key

Emissions from buildings are much harder to abate than many think. The type of energy efficiency measures that are possible depend on many factors, such as climatic zones, local energy infrastructure, building type, or building codes. But also on the financial capabilities of citizens or even consumer preferences.

So why does it matter? Because buildings are still the single largest source of energy consumption in the European Union today, representing 40% of final energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. And did you know that heating takes up the largest share of a building’s total energy consumption (at around 60%)?

With that in mind, at Eurogas we have - along with nine other industry groups/associations - co-signed a new position paper.

We argue that in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, known as the EPBD, the definition of zero-emission buildings must fully recognise the role of the energy grids and all renewable energy sources delivered through them.

Because as noted by Eurogas policy director Andreas Guth, "we need legislation that focuses on the best outcome, but also that leaves the way open for different technologies and renewable energy carriers."

"Renewable energy distributed via energy grids, both renewable molecules and electrons, will certainly need to play a role. In that respect, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive should not restrict this potential."