Eurogas position on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles
February 2023, Brussels | February 2023, Brussels | Eurogas welcomes the European Commission’s ambition on CO2 emissions reductions from new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), in line with the European Union climate targets and the decarbonisation of the transport sector. Eurogas firmly believes that the upcoming Regulation on CO2 standards for HDVs should ensure a level playing field among all viable technologies. This must account for the actual environmental footprint of the fuels through more complete lifecycle accounting of GHG emissions.
It is necessary to break silos when designing fuel and mobility policies. Vehicles manufacturers must be encouraged to invest in solutions that can immediately reduce CO2 emissions and that can run on renewables. Compressed natural gas (CNG), liquified natural gas (LNG) and their bio- or electricity-based counterparts can deliver greenhouse gas (GHG) savings today, notably for the existing fleet and with the existing infrastructure.