Position Paper

Breaking: European gas industry calls for binding greenhouse gas reduction target

A breakthrough for climate neutrality:
EU gas industry calls for a binding GHG intensity reduction and renewable gas targets

Brussels, 14 September 2020. The European gas industry has made a breakthrough for carbon neutrality by calling for a binding 20% greenhouse gas intensity reduction target and an 11% EU-wide binding target on renewable gas by 2030. The target contributes to meeting higher climate ambitions and developing a sustainable EU gas sector.

James Watson, Eurogas Secretary General, said: “A climate-neutral Europe by 2050 is possible if we pursue all available options without prejudice. Europe must maintain its leading position on clean gas technologies to deliver on carbon neutrality, as well as, relaunch the economy, secure jobs, and ensure investor certainty. A clear target on gas GHG intensity reduction and on renewable gases is indispensable to achieving these objectives and delivering climate neutrality.”

Susanna Pflüger, European Biogas Association Secretary General commented “There is a great potential for renewable gases in Europe and we can scale-up the production of biomethane as of today but we need a binding EU target to ensure a Union-wide deployment of renewable gas. This will contribute to carbon-neutrality and bring along multiple other benefits, such as rural development, a more circular economy and thousands of sustainable jobs.”

Defining and proactively calling for a target on renewable and decarbonised gases is further evidence of the gas industry’s commitment to the energy transition. Establishing the target will provide incentives for the uptake of renewable and decarbonised gases across the EU and set a clear path to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

The proposed targets are based on the results of the recent Eurogas study “A Pathway to a Carbon Neutral 2050: The Role of Gas”. These targets must be binding at the EU level, so that renewable and decarbonised gases can play their required role in delivering carbon neutrality. The position clarifies that EU Member States, many of which are pioneers in renewable and decarbonised gas development and production, shall define their individual national contributions towards the target by mid-2024.