Press Release

Improved emissions measurement and smart heating solutions are key to cutting GHG emissions

Brussels, 13.10.20

The European Commission’s strategies on Methane and the Renovation Wave, due to be published tomorrow, recognise that gas and innovative gas technologies will play a big role in supporting countries across Europe to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Eurogas Secretary General James Watson commented: “The Commission’s focus on improving data availability and accuracy for methane emissions through both measurements and quantification is the right and responsible action to take. Establishing a common EU reporting framework would be paramount to this in the short term and would pave the way for meaningful methane emission reductions.”

Eurogas members are committed to limiting methane emissions in their networks and will continue to work with European decision-makers on, and implementing, best practices. A broad range of actions is already being undertaken on this front through the Methane Guiding Principles – a voluntary initiative aimed at exchanging best practices and strengthening the management of methane emissions throughout the industry.

He continued: “In this respect, the European gas industry is calling for a binding 20% greenhouse gas intensity reduction target for gaseous fuels by 2030, compared to 2018. This target will help meet higher climate ambitions and deliver an increasingly sustainable EU gas sector.”

Further carbon emission reductions can be achieved in heating through using modern gas technologies – small condensing gas boilers, which are highly efficient and can also run on biomethane. Hydrogen boilers and fuel cells are also being made and deployed here in the EU.  All these options will support increased energy savings and GHG reductions, without imposing on consumers the heavy financial and resource burden of deeply renovating homes or requiring them to completely change their heating system.

“Building renovation, combined with the deployment of smart gas solutions for heating, will be central to economic recovery from the pandemic. It will secure jobs for European citizens and maintain Europe’s leading position as a pioneer in clean gas energy technologies,” concluded James Watson.

Members of Eurogas support the energy transition and a climate-neutral Europe. Eurogas is therefore also calling for an 11% EU-wide binding target on renewable gas by 2030. The target contributes to meeting higher climate ambitions and developing a sustainable EU gas sector.

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