Press Release

The Green Deal: gas is key to secure Europe’s leadership in reaching carbon neutrality by 2050

Brussels, 10 December 2019: Gas will play a major role in delivering the European Green Deal, while
ensuring Europe’s leadership in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The Green Deal must recognise the
potential of gas and innovative gas technologies to deliver on the decarbonisation of the EU energy

Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, commented: “The Green Deal is an opportunity for Europe to
become a global leader in achieving carbon neutrality, and gas will play a major role in delivering this
ambition. Today, the gas industry ensures Europe’s leadership in the industrial production of low-carbon
technologies: electrolysers, anaerobic digestors, LNG engines for ships and pyrolysis equipment. This all
means job creation and wealth in Europe as we progress through the energy transition. The Green Deal
must seize the momentum to scale up these innovative technologies and secure Europe’s industrial

He continued: “For the EU to be climate neutral in 2050, it has to set a viable path for 2030. Switching
from coal to gas in power generation, replacing inefficient oil heaters with gas, using LNG in marine
transport will significantly contribute to meeting the EU’s increased emissions reduction target by 2030.”

“Gas-based solutions are an integral part of a carbon neutral future. The deployment of renewable and
decarbonised gases – biogas, biomethane and hydrogen – is already happening across Europe. Having
targets for these gases would further incentivise innovation and investment, making sure Europe takes a
lead,” he concluded.

Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 48 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail
and distribution in Europe.
Press contact: Marina Demidova,, tel. +32 2 894 48 05
Eurogas • Av. de Cortenbergh 172 • 1000 Brussels •