PCIs complete regional gas infrastructure, diversify supplies, contribute to carbon neutrality
Projects of Common Interest complete regional gas infrastructure, diversify supplies, contribute to carbon neutrality
Brussels, 11 February 2020. The Projects of Common Interest (PCI) list, to be voted by the European Parliament tomorrow, is essential to complete the gas networks in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe and to support the diversification of supply sources to the EU. Gas infrastructure will also carry renewable and decarbonised gas, which will make the difference to ensure that Europe achieves its ambition of carbon neutrality in 2050.
Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, commented: “The projects in question aim at completing the missing links in the regional infrastructure of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. These regions are the least developed when it comes to interconnecting the energy infrastructure of the EU Member States. A strong and robust gas network is therefore essential to enhance the security of supply and diversification of sources.”
“Gas infrastructure will carry hydrogen, biogas and biomethane, which we cannot do without to achieve carbon neutrality. Financing gas infrastructure through the PCIs will deliver the deployment of renewable and decarbonised gases and help achieve the EU’s carbon neutrality goals in a cost-efficient way. This is an opportunity one should embrace with open arms,” he concluded.
The PCI list is drawn up based on the work the European network development plan (TYNDP) and the TEN-E Regulation, public consultations and numerous energy experts. It identifies infrastructure projects with high potential to ensure transition towards sustainable, secure and affordable energy.
Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 48 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail and distribution in Europe.
Press contact: Marina Demidova, marina.demidova@eurogas.org, tel. +32 2 894 48 05
Eurogas • Rue d’Arlon 80 • 1040 Brussels • www.eurogas.org