Press Release

New Commissioners must recognise the role of gas in delivering decarbonisation

Brussels, 10 September 2019. Candidates for the European Green Deal Executive Vice-President and Energy Commissioner must factor in gas to develop the right regulatory framework and deliver the decarbonisation of the EU energy mix.

Eurogas welcomes the nomination of Frans Timmermans and Kadri Simson as Executive Vice President for the European Green Deal and Energy Commissioner respectively. The gas sector supports the EU’s 2050 climate neutrality ambitions and looks forward to working with the new European Commission on delivering the decarbonisation of the EU energy mix.

Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, commented: “We hope that the candidates for the European Green Deal Vice-President and the Energy Commissioner will set up the right policy framework that recognises the role of gas in delivering the decarbonisation of the EU energy mix. It is essential that the new Commissioners work on developing EU-wide binding targets for renewable and decarbonised gas at the beginning of their terms”.

He continued: “Gas is part of the solution to achieve a net zero emissions future. Climate neutrality cannot be achieved without decarbonising the energy system. We must act now to help the EU reach its climate targets in a cost effective and publicly acceptable way.”

Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 46 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail and distribution in Europe.
Press contact: Marina Demidova,, tel. +32 2 894 48 05
Eurogas • Av. de Cortenbergh 172 • 1000 Brussels •