National Energy and Climate Plans Depict a Strong Future for Gas in the European Union
Brussels, 13 March 2019. Gas is very present in the Member States’ NECPs, but Eurogas sees room for improvement in the recognition of the value of gas for the coming 10 years
All Member States have now submitted their NCEPs to the European Commission for comment and review. Following this Eurogas has completed a first analysis of the content with a focus on the role of gas.
James Watson, Secretary General, commented “17 National Climate and Energy Plans (NECP) recognise the value of natural gas as part of their plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 2030. A further 19 Member States mention biogas and biomethane for use in heating, transport, and power generation. Meanwhile, 21 NECPs refer to hydrogen and its increasing importance. It is encouraging to see so many Member States identifying the role of gas in fighting climate change. It is however, also interesting to see that more Member States are looking at the future evolution of gas rather than its ability over the next 10 years to contribute to achieving the carbon reduction target of the EU. It is important that gas is recognised for all the benefits it can bring to fighting climate change now and in the future.”
Gas has tremendous potential in delivering on the EU emission reduction targets in a cost-effective and publicly acceptable manner while creating economic growth and jobs, and at the same time technology and industrial leadership for the EU.
Eurogas believes the ambitions outlined by the Members States could be advanced by extending the role of renewable and decarbonised gas and highlights the need for r- and d- gas binding targets that should be based on the existing EU renewable energy target and would contribute to achieving a higher share of renewable energy at lower cost.
Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 44 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail and distribution in Europe.
Press contact: Felicia Mester,, tel. +32 2 894 48 06
Eurogas • Av. de Cortenbergh 172 • 1000 Brussels •