Gas industry takes measures to help consumers in Covid-19 crisis
In the context of the economic uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 crisis, national governments and energy companies are working hard to protect vulnerable consumers. Many major gas companies are acting now to protect and support vulnerable consumers and key sector workers.
Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, commented: ‘National governments and energy companies work hand in hand to ensure a rapid and considered response to the crisis. Many gas companies go the extra mile, from providing disinfectant materials for hospitals in The Netherlands to offering online medical assistance in Spain. Every action is taken to save lives and help people impacted by the crisis.’
Gas companies are taking all necessary measures to fight against Covid-19. Using industrial plants to produce components needed in hospitals such as ethanol and suspending energy bills for public services such as hospitals and care homes, major gas companies across Europe are working to combat the pandemic.
Eurogas has begun a process to aggregate this information and keep track of actions taken by European governments and gas companies in the current crisis. Eurogas will continue to monitor the situation along with its members and update the tracker regularly.