Press Release

Fit for 55 package requires renewed stakeholder dialogue

Brussels 14.07.21

With the publication of the European Commission’s Fit for 55 package, Eurogas is calling for renewed stakeholder dialogue across the energy sector. The publication of the Fit for 55 proposals offers a unique opportunity to move on climate action. Eurogas’ vision for a 2050 energy system is based on decarbonised electricity and a decarbonised gas sector. It is clear that molecules are necessary to deliver on the European Union’s climate objectives.

The association’s President, Didier Holleaux, commented: “Eurogas is actively committed to 55% emissions reductions by 2030 and is aiming to achieve a fully carbon neutral gas system soon after 2045. To that end, we have been working with 14 other EU associations spanning mobility, power generation and buildings to advocate for binding 2030 targets to reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of gas consumed by at least 20% and increase the uptake of renewable gas to at least 11%. This effort in decarbonisation would be completed through energy efficiency and renewable electricity. We strongly believe that setting such clear medium- and long-term objectives is the best way to achieve our shared goals. We are ready to engage in more collaborative work between industry and authorities to secure reaching the global 55%.”

Bronagh O’Hagan, Eurogas Communications Director, added: “In recent years Eurogas has been working towards a Just Transition through our efforts with the trade union associations EPSU and IndustriAll Europe. There are many other social issues at stake such as the risk of costs hitting vulnerable consumers through ETS extension to buildings and transport without transitionary measures. Our door is open to all energy stakeholders who want to engage in science and evidence-based dialogue in the coming years.”

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