Press Release

Eurogas Annual Conference: Gas – part of the solution?

Brussels, 3 April 2019: Eurogas Annual Conference taking place today will address issues for the energy sector and the gas sector in relation to the European Commission’s long-term vision, the forthcoming gas legislation, sector integration and the role of renewable and decarbonised gases in the future sustainable mix.

Eurogas Acting President, Martin Herrmann commented: ‘Gas plays a role in the economic prosperity of Europe, in innovation for new technologies and to deliver the decarbonised economy of the future. It is also a vital piece in the jigsaw of our international relations with our neighbours and friends. These are hugely important aspects that point to the value of a long-term future for gas in Europe and the world.’

James Watson, Eurogas Secretary General reflected: ‘We must not lose time, we must find the right way to bring on the transition – in Eurogas we call for targets for renewable and decarbonised gas and also to ensure that we have a greater consideration of the possibilities of sector integration and sector coupling to deliver affordable clean energy to Europeans.’

Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 44 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail and distribution in Europe.
Press contact: Felicia Mester,, tel. +32 2 894 48 06
Eurogas • Av. de Cortenbergh 172 • 1000 Brussels •