Press Release

EU-US LNG Industry Joint Statement

Brussels, 14.06.22

EU and US LNG industry stakeholders have issued a joint statement in support of RePowerEU and the US-EU Energy Security Taskforce US LNG targets.

In the statement presented today, industry representatives from both sides of the Atlantic call for prioritisation of climate ambition and investor certainty.  In response to efforts by the EU and US administrations, including targets for an extra 15 billion cubic meters of US LNG this year and 50bcm per year in the years to come, they outline recommendations to overcoming bottlenecks.

Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, commented: “The EU and US administrations have achieved a lot in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Alongside increased renewable gas, the EU will need new sources of natural gas to meet demand and keep Europe on track for coal and oil phase out”.  Watson stressed that climate ambition must not be side-lined. “To deliver on energy security and climate goals, suppliers and buyers have committed to working together to deliver a pragmatic approach to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of LNG by 2030.”

Full statement HERE.

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