Press Release

Energy Commissioner designate mission letter: Gas is indispensable for energy transition and climate neutral EU

Brussels, 11 September 2019. Eurogas supports the European Commission’s ambition to make the EU ‘the world’s first climate-neutral continent’. Gas-based solutions are an integral part of energy transition and carbon neutral future.

Eurogas is delighted that the role of gas is singled out in the European Commission President-elect von der Leyen’s mission letter to the Energy Commissioner candidate Kadri Simson.

Eurogas Secretary General, James Watson, stated: “Gas offers quick wins for the energy transition. Switching from coal to gas in power generation would enable the EU to reduce its emissions by an additional 5% by 2030. This is an already available solution to meet the Commission’s increased greenhouse gas emissions target of 50%.”

“We are pleased that the Commission recognises the importance of developing CCS. Establishing a policy framework to deliver CCS must be created to produce low carbon gases, namely hydrogen. Having a target for such gases would help the EU to achieve a higher share of renewable energy at lower cost,” he added.

“In addition to its contribution to a net zero emissions future, today gas also offers security of supply. Diversified sources of gas and infrastructure are healthy for the overall performance of the gas market. LNG supplies from the US, Middle East, Egypt and Russia can help the EU increase security of supply at affordable prices. This will help increase industrial competitiveness in the EU,” concluded James Watson.

Eurogas is a European gas industry association representing 46 companies and associations engaged in gas wholesale, retail and distribution in Europe.
Press contact: Marina Demidova,, tel. +32 2 894 48 05
Eurogas • Av. de Cortenbergh 172 • 1000 Brussels •