Delivering climate neutrality and Europe’s leadership in climate technologies
Brussels, 01.10.20
Eurogas’ flagship event of the year – the Annual Conference – taking place today addressed the role of the gas sector in delivering a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, while securing Europe’s position as a global leader in climate technologies.
Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, said: “In order to reach our ambitious goal of climate-neutrality, we must rethink and renew our energy system. Different technological solutions will compete across sectors and across energy carriers and it should be the consumers who decide, which are the most suitable options for them.”
“Therefore, the future role of the gas sector will depend on its capacity to keep up the pace and to anticipate these changes. I am pleased to see that the gas industry has recognised this and has launched its own reflection how to match the needs of the future. Changes are necessary and they will be for the benefit of all of us: the consumers, the economy and the planet,” she concluded.
Philippe Sauquet, Eurogas President, commented: “Let us heat homes in the most affordable and effective way. In parts of Europe, using natural gas will displace coal and oil improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions. Blending in biomethane and hydrogen will further that process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is why Eurogas supports the policy of a target of 11% renewable gas in the gaseous fuel mix in 2030, supporting an overall greenhouse gas emission intensity reduction target of 20% for gaseous fuels by 2030. This will set us on the pathway to deliver a decarbonised and renewable gas sector by 2050.”
“European made clean gas technologies are an opportunity to make Europe a global leader in technology manufacturing and climate solutions deployment. Most importantly, they will bring jobs, wealth and pride to the European workforce,” he continued.
Today’s conference marks the 30th anniversary of the association. The next 30 years will be full of opportunities for the European energy sector and the gas sector in particular. Eurogas is committed to climate neutrality, which is delivered is a cost-effective way, using the principles of energy efficiency, renewable and low carbon electricity and important volumes of gaseous fuels.
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