12 associations call for 2030 targets to reduce GHG intensity of gas and scale up of renewable gas
Brussels 26.05.21
The EU needs binding 2030 targets to reduce the GHG intensity of gas consumed and increase demand for renewable gas, according to a joint letter shared with policy makers today.
“The 2030 targets we are advocating for would send clear signals to investors in terms of decarbonising gas and scaling up renewable gases. These signals are urgently needed - we cannot afford to wait to act.” said James Watson, Secretary General of Eurogas.
If the proposed 2030 targets are adopted the GHG intensity of the gas consumed in the EU will be reduced by at least 20% compared to 2018 levels. This would be achieved through increased use of renewable and low carbon gas. At the same time, renewable gas demand would increase to at least 11% of gas consumed, which would boost the development of the renewable gases.
Signatories: European Federation of Local Energy Companies (CEDEC), COGEN Europe, Eurogas, European Biogas Association (EBA), European Heating Industry (EHI), GD4S, European Gas Research Group (GERG), Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), GasNaturally, International DME Association (IDA), Liquid Gas Europe, Natural & Bio Gas Vehicle Association (NGVA Europe)

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