Strategic Net-Zero Value Chains – The missing block of a successful EU Net-Zero Industry Act

The webinar “Strategic net-zero value chains – the missing block of a successful EU net-zero industry act” organised by ENZA on Tuesday 27 June 2023 (9:30-11:00 CEST) discussed the role of the Net Zero Industry Act in boosting the EU’s cleantech production capacity. The aim was to define the contours of an effective European industrial policy, accelerate the deployment of net-zero technologies and promote European industrial leadership in clean technologies.

The event was part of the EUSEW Sustainable Energy Days

The webinar has explored the following topics:

  • The importance of a multi-energy approach combining sectors and energy vectors for a cost-efficient, speedy decarbonisation
  • The concept of strategic net-zero value chains, promoting an integrated approach to the scale-up of net-zero technologies, from infrastructure and production, to end-use
  • The challenges related to permitting, including planning requirements, one-stop shops, and time limits
  • Financing and the necessary streamlining of funding procedures across EU instruments, to support the deployment of net-zero technologies.

The audience had the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session to ask questions to the panelists and further engage in the discussion.

Eurogas Events
09:30 - 11:00GMT+1


09:30 - 10:00

Opening and Moderation


Pauline Lucas

Policy Director at Euroheat & Power & Co-Chair, ENZA
10:00 - 10:45

Panel discussion followed by Q&A


Alexandra Tudoroiu

Head of Policy, COGEN Europe

Jean-Marc Jossart

Secretary General, Bioenergy Europe

Malgosia Rybak

Climate Change & Energy Directo, CEPI
Climate Change & Energy Directo, CEPI


Pedro Dias

Policy Director, Solar Heat Europe
Policy Director, Solar Heat Europe


10:45 - 11:00

Closing remarks