Position Paper

Eurogas’ recommendations on the extension of scope of the Union Database (UDB) to raw materials used for fuel production

Download the full Eurogas assessment and recommendations.

In this paper, Eurogas provides an assessment of the draft Delegated Regulation extending the scope of the Union Database to raw materials used for fuel production, underlining elements that it welcomes, identifying challenges and suggesting how to overcome them, and shedding light on elements that should be clarified further.

Eurogas welcomes the intention of the European Commission to broaden the scope of the Union Database to cover all stages of the supply chain, including the production or collection point of the raw material used for the production of the fuel. Eurogas equally supports the general objective of the UDB to help market transparency and traceability in the fuel supply chain.

However, Eurogas believes that some of the proposed provisions would benefit from further clarification and improvements to better support economic operators (EOs) in complying with these new requirements.

Download the full report below.