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Position Papers

Eurogas Position Paper on Joint Procurement of Natural Gas

Both the Communication on More Affordable, Sustainable and Secure Energy and the Draft Regulation on Security of Supply make reference to joint purchasing of gaseous fuels: natural gas, LNG and hydrogen. The current combination of high prices in the gas wholesale market and the war in Ukraine have driven political attention on to the issue of gas purchasing.

Eurogas position on ‘minimum gas storage obligations’

Eurogas recognises that the current market dynamics emerging from the geopolitical situation requires particular attention. The negative summer/winter spread limits incentives for market participants to put gas into storage and may not provide sufficient incentives for suppliers to factor in possibly security of supply risks.

Hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package

Eurogas calls for a progressive gas decarbonisation package, which enables gaseous energy and its infrastructure to be the building block for a cost-effective and successful

Eurogas Position Paper on Carbon Pricing

Eurogas is committed to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement and supports the Commission’s long-term vision of a carbon neutral economy by 2050. To